Get involved

community ⍛ connectivity ⍛ sustainability

Imagine if any one of us who loves handcrafted pashmina shawls and scarves could meet some of the artisans involved in creating a hand woven and embroidered pashmina and have our direct input into the design and colour to produce a customised shawl or scarf.

YOUR GOLDEN HANDS is a not-for-profit platform that can connect customers from anywhere in the world with artisans from the Kashmir shawl community and facilitate co-design projects between them with transparency and integrity. Participants can connect with the artisans involved via WhatsApp and Zoom or even visit them in Kashmir!

YOUR GOLDEN HANDS aims to connect you with the makers of your handcrafted pashmina, to share the experience of the artisans’ cultural heritage and creative processes. To exchange design ideas and stories while sustaining the artisan community’s livelihood. Together you and artisans in the Kashmir shawl community can design a shawl or scarf that is just for you.

If handcrafted pashmina shawls have special meaning for you and you are interested in knowing about the artisans who create these textiles consider being involved. Complete the form below to express your interest so we can get in touch.